API Overview

The purpose of this document is to provide developers with endpoints and required/allowed parameters to consume the HPDC API.

Prior to attempting to connect with the API, ensure you've read through the OAuth2 Authentication requirements, and have a working implementation for your application. Details for Authentication can be found on the Libraries page.

Examples below represent only successful requests that return an HTTP status code of 200, for information on message formats and error codes, see the API Errors or Response Codes pages.


In our endpoint examples we'll show only basic CURL examples.


If you're using an HTTP library for your application such as Guzzle for PHP apps, or Axios for Node apps, you'll need to consult the package documentation for specific instructions on making successful HTTP requests.

Resource Methods

At present, the HPDC API accepts only the following resource methods:

  1. GET
  2. PUT
  3. POST

The DELETE and PATCH methods are not accepted and will return 405 Method Not Allowed exceptions. If you need to delete or edit products, records, etc., please log into your Builder account directly and edit or delete these items there.

PUT methods are used only for sending optional parameters in order to vary a given response. For instance if you wanted to request a base HPD Record by it's ID, you would send a GET request. If you wanted to request an advanced HPD Record by it's ID, and include all it's Materials and Accessories, this would be a PUT request.


Once again to be clear, editing and deleted is not supported through the API at this time.



Endpoint code examples assume that you've stored both the root api url, and your OAuth token into a session, local storage, or another storage mechanism of your choosing so that they can be easily referenced via variable. For the purposes of our examples we will use the placeholders API_URL and TOKEN to hold the place of those variables.

correct url

Ensure you're using the appropriate API_URL for your OAuth Client, development and production Clients and URLS are NOT interchangeable.

An example request might look something similar to this:

curl --request GET \
  --url API_URL/api/2.1/me \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

This request would return a response showing your personal account info:

  "http_status": 200,
  "http_message": "OK",
  "status": 9000,
  "message": "Viewing my user info.",
  "data": {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "youremail@example.com",
    "company": "Your Company",
    "joined": "2017-12-13 19:43:08",
    "updated": "2018-03-14 00:00:22"
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